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Orlando Bankruptcy Lawyer
Areas of Practice

Orlando, Florida, Bankruptcy Court Lawyers

Focusing on Bankruptcy Law, Anderson & Ferrin Attorneys at Law, P.A  provide Florida residents with cost-effective representation in matters related to chapter 7, chapter 13, debt restructuring, repossessions, foreclosures, judgments and tax debts. We give clients our personal attention and seek timely resolutions for our clients' legal problems.
Chapter 7
We help clients who are unable to pay off their debts file for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This section of the Bankruptcy Code is best suited for clients with few assets and unsecured debts. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy is ideal for clients who wish to have a fresh start in life.
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Chapter 13
We provide clients with legal assistance and advice regarding reorganization bankruptcy. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy is ideal for clients who are facing foreclosure and repossession. It is also useful for those who have incurred short-term debts, which they can eventually pay off in time. We assist clients in filing for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy and creating a repayment plan that will best suit their needs.
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Warning Signs of Financial Crisis
  • Every month you are having to use your credit cards to pay for necessities like food, gas, mortgage, rent, and utilities
  • You have spent all of your savings and an in some cases your retirement accounts to stay afloat
  • You have been forced to repeatedly borrow from friends and family to catch up on your debt but never seem to get ahead.
  • Your creditors are contacting you at all ours of the day harassing you as to when you will be able to make your next payment.
  • Your credit cards have increased their interest rates to astronomical amounts sometimes as high as 29%
  • You get your mail and all your see are court documents from law suits and bills you cant afford to pay
  • Your home is about to be foreclosed on
  • Your vehicle is about to be repossessed
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Can you afford it? If you are behind on your payments, you and your lawyer will discuss whether you should keep your home. Even if you are current on your house, you should still have this discussion. There are many people who owe more on their homes right now than they are worth. This is your opportunity to decide which past financial decisions are ones you should stick with. It is also your chance to walk away from the bad deals and just keep the good ones.
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Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 are the typical bankruptcies for the consumer debtor.[1] The types of debts discharged vary, depending on the type of bankruptcy filed.
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Short Sales
These days we hear a lot about short sales. They occur when the mortgage amount is greater than the current value of the property. To accomplish a short sale, the lender must agree to permit the sale at an amount less than the outstanding mortgage amount. So, it’s “short.” Say you owe $200,000 on a piece of property that will only sell for $80,000 in today’s market.
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Mortgage Modification
For many seeking mortgage modifications, they have been, let's say . . . disappointing.  Applications lost, resubmitted, lost again.  Lucky to receive a temporary modification, even fewer received permanent modifications.  State court mediations have not been too successful, either.
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Other Areas of Practice
  • Family Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Loan Modification

For information regarding our other areas of practice - Criminal Law & Family Law - Click Here

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The U.S. Congress has designated us as a Debt Relief Agency. We help people file for Bankruptcy Relief under the Bankruptcy Code.
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