Financial crisis can often blind side individuals. No matter how much money you may have or how much you prepare and plan for your future, unexpected events can occur that can turn your life upside down. Below we have compiled just some warning signs that you may be facing a financial crisis.
- You are using your credit cards every month to cover necessary living expenses.
- Your credit card debt continues to rise every month and you just can’t seem to make a dent on the balances
- Interest rates on your credit cards are reaching 20-29% interest and you just can’t keep up
- Creditors are calling you day and night and you are afraid to open your mail or answer your door in fear that you may receive a lawsuit or yet another bill.
- You haven’t been able to make your mortgage payments and your house is on the verge of foreclosure
- You continue to dip into your savings just to make ends meet slowly dwindling your nest egg and leaving little to nothing for you to retire with or heck even get away for a vacation
- You owe much more on your home than you think it will ever be worth again and wonder why your are dumping your money into something with no value
Of course there are many other warning signs that you may be noticing in your life. Make sure that you are not ignoring them and make the decision to come and speak with us to discuss your options. You may be surprised with some of the results a bankruptcy could provide you. We invite you to contact us and set up a free consultation.
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